This will be my official 1st post on my blog.
and im going to tell something about myself
for you, readers, to know more about the person
who create this blog :)
so here it goes!
hi, im Edsel SP. Pingol
well, im already 19 years-old, but
my physical appearance, for me, is not suitable for my age..
cause I look younger for my age >:))
im not exaggerating
it's true XD :)) haha
im chubby, a look-a-like of an actor here in our country
who is Vandolf (many had told me that) :))
I am currently studying at AMA Computer University
which is residing at Quezon City
I am the fifth child in our family.
and i consider myself as the Black sheep :))
i just wanted to be called like that.. but no one tells me that XD hahah
i should tell some of my educational experiences since when i was in my elementary days :)
when i was in my elementary days,
i had met one special person who stays in my heart until now,
she is my Grade one Teacher,
her name is Maam Neri
she told me to be good always, be an excellent student,
just do what i want to do,
i consider her my second mother in my elementary years.
all i ever wanted is just to be the best among everyone else..
cause that idea was implemented to me by my mother,
who was very anxious about my grades and honor in my school..
but i don't even want that idea to be implemented inside of me
just being normal is a big OK for me,
achieving simple thing is enough for me to be happy,
but for my mom..
she wants the best for me..
i graduated valedictorian in our school
i am happy, but not that happy for a reason..
on my high school days...
all i ever wanted is to be like those ordinary student out there
enjoying while studying
no pressures
no expectations.
for me, school life should be the part of our life
where we should just have fun,
forget about problems.
have more friends
in my high school days,
i've learned the meaning of being independent
you must trust yourself all the time..
cause you are the only one who holds the truth..
this is also the time, where i meet extraordinary people
extraordinary friends, extraordinary teachers
from my classmates, to my teachers
all i can say is that..
they are all EXTRAORDINARY
now i am in my college years...
and there will be other stories to be told
but i know,
that my life will not end here
this analogy is created by yours truly
wherein i compare life to a computer unit..
For me, life is just like a computer unit..
a computer unit is turned on..
while life.. is given to us, by God.. who turned on our lives :)
you enjoy the computer unit, when you are using it,
just like in our life..
we do enjoy simple things, as we want them to be...
there will be a time that you must shut down the computer unit..
which is the time for us to bid farewell to our love ones..
let's move on
haha :))
so this is the end of my First Official Blog Post
see you next time, my lovable readers!
Ciao! :) <3
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